The green diamonds are essential as these award you with an extra life. Some of the red diamonds will allow control over two bats but this is more of a hinderence as the two bats prove confusing. Avoid the blue squares as they will shrink the size of your bat.


01-"0000" | 11-"9305" | 21-"3212" | 31-"2819" | 41-"1926"
02-"5400" | 12-"3406" | 22-"0213" | 32-"9919" | 42-"9726"
03-"0101" | 13-"0407" | 23-"8213" | 33-"7320" | 43-"5927"
04-"3901" | 14-"6407" | 24-"5014" | 34-"2521" | 44-"0528"
05-"2602" | 15-"2008" | 25-"1015" | 35-"0622" | 45-"7328"
06-"9902" | 16-"7408" | 26-"8215" | 36-"3722" | 46-"3929"
07-"4303" | 17-"4709" | 27-"5116" | 37-"1223" | 47-"3030"
08-"9003" | 18-"3810" | 28-"5116" | 38-"4523" | 48-"0531"
09-"6904" | 19-"0511" | 29-"7017" | 39-"4124" | 49-"8431"
10-"3305" | 20-"6811" | 30-"5518" | 40-"1825" | 50-"9932"